The Food Systems Countdown Initiative: Monitoring food system transformation to 2030 and beyond.

The FSCI is a collaborative effort to monitor global food systems. It brings together indicators that span food systems and provides annual analysis to inform policy, business, and NGO priorities and actions. It supports the transformation of food systems, so they become equitable, sustainable, and resilient and positively contribute to achieving the 2030 SDGs and other global goals.

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Latest Published Work

Governance and resilience as entry points for transforming food systems in the countdown to 2030

FSCI Publication Cover
FSCI Publication Cover

The Indicators

Our selected indicators cover the five thematic areas of diets, nutrition, and health; environment, production, and natural resources; livelihoods, poverty and equity; governance; and resilience. Each thematic area is described by several different domains, under which there are specific indicators identified to be tracked.

FSCI Indicator Diagram
FSCI Indicator Diagram

FSCI Co-Chairs

Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
CornellCALS: College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Columbia University